Welcome to Cheryl Pellerin Science!

Cheryl PellerinWelcome!

I’m Cheryl Pellerin, a science writer who’s spent 30-ish years writing science for print, broadcast and the web. More about me.

This website is mostly about the emerging science of medical cannabis and my books.

Healing with Cannabis is available from your local bookstore, Amazon and  Skyhorse Publishing. Read more on the books page.

In the works: My next book, Healing with Psychedelics, a minimally technical look at psychedelic medicine for a general audience.


Join us in Denver at Psychedelic Science 2023

Healing with Cannabis: The Evolution of the Endocannabinoid Systems and How Cannabinoids Help Relieve PTSD, Pain, MS, Anxiety, and More

Cannabis can treat an impossibly broad range of illnesses, from MS and cancer to PTSD — so why is it mostly against the law?